Removing default padding from TextField in version 1.2.0 inc
2024-04-17 13:45
compose_version = 1.2.0 kotlin 1.7.0

I am trying to remove the TextField. As I am using it with a trailing icon. So I can't use the BasicTextField as it doesn't have the trailing icon.

I am using version 1.2.0 and I was thinking that the includeFontPadding was false by default. However, that didn't work. So I tried to explicitly try and set it as follows:

textStyle = TextStyle( platformStyle = PlatformTextStyle( includeFontPadding = true ))

However, this didn't work either. So just wondering about the version 1.2.0 and removing the default padding.

Column(modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .background(color = Color.White) .border(width = 2.dp, shape = RoundedCornerShape(4.dp), color = Color.LightGray) .height(56.dp)) { Text( modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .padding(start = 16.dp), text = "Gender (optional)") TextField( textStyle = TextStyle( platformStyle = PlatformTextStyle( includeFontPadding = true )), colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors(backgroundColor = Color.White), modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth(), value = rememberMobileCode, onValueChange = { newMobileCode -> rememberMobileCode = newMobileCode }, trailingIcon = { Icon(dropdownIcon, contentDescription = "dropdown icon", modifier = Modifier.clickable { rememberIsExpanded = !rememberIsExpanded }) }, singleLine = true, readOnly = true ) }

Answer 1 :

Starting with 1.2.0 you can use the BasicTextField + TextFieldDecorationBox.
You can set the trailingIcon and you can use the contentPadding attribute to change the paddings:

val colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors() BasicTextField( value = text, onValueChange = { text = it }, modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .background( color = colors.backgroundColor(enabled).value, shape = RoundedCornerShape(8.dp) ), interactionSource = interactionSource, enabled = enabled, singleLine = singleLine ) { TextFieldDefaults.TextFieldDecorationBox( value =text, innerTextField = it, singleLine = singleLine, enabled = enabled, visualTransformation = VisualTransformation.None, label = { Text(text = "label") }, trailingIcon = { IconButton(onClick = { }) { Icon(imageVector = Icons.Filled.Clear, contentDescription = "Clear") } }, placeholder = { /* ... */ }, interactionSource = interactionSource, // change the padding contentPadding = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldWithoutLabelPadding( top = 2.dp, bottom = 2.dp ) ) }
other answer :

In Jetpack Compose version 1.2.0, the includeFontPadding property should be set to false by default for TextField components. However, if youre still experiencing default padding, there might be other factors at play.

Here are a few suggestions to try resolving the padding issue:

Check Dependencies: Ensure that you are using the correct version of Jetpack Compose (1.2.0) and Kotlin (1.7.0) as specified in your project configuration.

Update Compose: Sometimes, issues like this are resolved in newer versions of Jetpack Compose. Consider updating to the latest stable version to see if the problem persists.

Override Default Padding: If setting includeFontPadding to false doesnt work, you can try explicitly overriding the padding using TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors() function and adjusting the TextFieldDefaults.TextFieldColors.textField property.

kotlinTextField( colors = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors( backgroundColor = Color.White, textField = TextFieldDefaults.textFieldColors().textField.copy( paddingValues = PaddingValues.Zero ) ), // Other TextField properties... )

Inspect Platform Styles: Ensure that there are no platform-specific styles or themes that might be overriding the padding behavior of the TextField.

Consider Custom Solutions: If none of the above approaches work, you might need to consider creating a custom solution using BasicTextField and implementing the trailing icon functionality manually.

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the default padding issue in your TextField component. If the problem persists, it might be helpful to provide more context or code snippets to further diagnose the issue.